3 min readNov 13, 2021


Colossians 2:14- ‘having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.’

By the time I was born, my great grandfather — that is my mum’s paternal grandfather was still alive. He was a good man, but boy could he hold a grudge! He was a stickler for discipline and would occasionally, while taking his cows for grazing, pass by our home to check up on us — to make sure that we were behaving right and that no one had missed school. There is a time I lied to my parents that I had a headache and therefore could not go to school. Later, my great grandfather came by and found me playing at home. He caned me and ordered me to bathe, and wear my uniform, and off to school I went in the middle of the day.

Another time, he found me and my brothers minding our own business happily playing and clapping, and he accused heckling passersby. He wanted to cane us and we knew that it was unjustified so we took off and hid in the sweet potato garden that was behind our house. He looked for us in vain and gave up. Months later, he came visiting and we excitedly went to greet him. If we had forgotten about the unfortunate incident, why wouldn’t he? Well, he hadn’t forgotten. He got all of us and caned us in front of our parents, until my mum pleaded with him on our behalf.

Growing up, God sounded like a grudge-holding grump. He seemed constantly angry and always ready to dish out punishment. So ‘born-agains’ seemed to spend all their days looking miserable, fasting, praying and repenting to ‘calm him down.’

But come to find out, God wiped the slate of our sins clean. Did you know that the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, all your sins- past, present and future were all forgiven? People usually become angry at the mention of this. My church has actually been accused of encouraging people to sin through the message of grace. But think about it- the people that are in prison over various atrocities; did they hear the message of grace and then go out on a rampage? No.

On the contrary, the message of grace sets you free! And as the bible says, it is the goodness of God that leads to repentance (Romans 2:4). Additionally, Romans 6:14 says, For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.’ This verse clearly states that the only way sin can have dominion over you is when you are under the law.

As a believer, start thinking about more important things like expanding God’s kingdom through preaching the word, healing the sick and lending to nations among others. Leave the burden of sins alone because God has taken them far away from you. Take a look at this if you think I am bluffing- Psalm 103:12- ‘As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.’

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most liberating news I have ever received.

Laughing in a benz!





Highly Favored, Greatly Blessed, Deeply Loved.

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