Laughing in a Benz
Have you ever heard of the saying, “I would rather cry in a Benz than laugh on a bicycle”? The saying is implies that happiness and riches cannot coexist; you are either happy and poor or rich and miserable.
Growing up, I detested the notion of “getting born again”. It seemed that my lovely brother, Talent, had accepted Christ as soon as he came out of our mum’s womb. In fact, my friend, Mathew, always joked that Talent had come out singing ‘Amazing Grace’. I used to play secular music in order to piss him off. He was the good child, I was the opposite.
My parents tried everything they could to get to me accept Christ in vain. In that chaos, I remember asking God that when my last day came, He would give me just one minute to accept him — and that would be it. Of course, this meant that I did not live a good life- I was a very ripe candidate for the devil’s destruction. I cannot even go into detail right now of how I escaped death so many times as I pursued “the good life”.
I was at the University between 2003- 2006. In those 3 years, I went to church 6 times. Each semester was represented. I used to go to church on the Sunday right before exams. It was very important for me to graduate- such things earn your parents a place at the high table. I didn’t want to deny them a chance thereof. After University, I started going to church more often- I was bored and the few friends I had while at University had since moved on and all.
My brother Talent was part of the praise team at St Francis Chapel so I got to meet some of his friends. One of them was a guy called Brian Ourien. One day, Ourien invited me for an ‘event’ at Kati Kati Restaurant. I walked into Kati Kati and of the decisions I have ever made or will ever make in life, heeding to that invitation will always be the best of them all. From the music, to the ambience, to the word, to the soda- I was hooked.
Life is a journey and I can’t say that I have arrived (although I think that I have to an extent, lol) but I have seen God literally turn everything- and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING- of my life for good. From giving me perfect health, to prospering me- so many good things on my table.
At Worship Harvest, I have received many prophecies and I have seen them come to pass. The prophecies happen anywhere- that is the beauty. I have received them during Thursday music rehearsals, during missional community hangouts, some have been sent to my Whatsapp inbox, and some during the Sunday service. I am very confident that God keeps pursuing me, every day, every minute, every second- such a good feeling. My prayer is to be the woman in John 4:27- 30 that left her waterpot, went away into the city and said to the men, “Come see a man who told me all things that I ever did.”
Being with Jesus is me laughing in a Benz.